Sunday, December 6, 2009

Coming this Christmas. . .

Forgive me, faithful readers. I have been "prone to wander" onto several things as of late, leaving me without moments to write. The last two weeks have been a whirlwind of good and bad and ugly and mundane. The next two weeks will be more of the same.

My final grad project is due on Dec. 15, and it will dominate my few open moments. My few open moments are nearly non-existent, as I'm spending 4 nights a week in a gym. If I'm honest, there's no way I'll get to write in the next two weeks.

Therefore, I'm officially declaring a blogging sabbatical until the week of Christmas. I have much to say upon my return, but no time to say it for the next two weeks. I value my readers greatly, and I pray that you'll return around Christmas to check out the blog then once again. I purchased a laptop yesterday, which will hopefully increase my blogging productivity.

Stay with me and be patient. And thank you for your reading and commentary thus far.

1 comment:

  1. Consider yourself fully pardoned from this reader. I'll look forward to the blog starting up again around Christmas.
